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A warm welcome to the Languages Area of Learning

The friendly, dedicated Languages Department at Queen Elizabeth High School currently comprises 11 members of staff with a range of learning experiences, offering wide provision range for our pupils. As a department we pride ourselves on being able to offer Welsh First and Second Language, French and Spanish lessons to pupils at Key Stage 3 and 4. There are also opportunities to study Italian, Latin, Greek and Russian during lunchtime or after school lessons. These subjects are also available at Key Stage 5.

One of our main aims as a department is to enthuse our pupils about the subjects and encourage them to communicate fluently in a range of situations. This is done by using various exciting and engaging teaching methods. Contemporary themes are studied, which appeal to both boys and girls. Pupils are motivated to achieve the highest standards through formative feedback. Our More Able and Talented pupils are set challenging tasks, whilst pupils with Additional Educational Needs are supported with differentiated work and challenged at the appropriate level.



Eisteddfod Yr Ysgol 2025

Eurodisney Paris 2025 Parent Information

Please click on the button below to access the parent information pack.



As part of the 'Gwyl y Daffodil' celebrations, the Art Department have been working on a collaborative project with our Key Stage 3 pupils and prospective Year 6 pupils from our 10 feeder schools. Over the last few months as well as during our annual Open Evening, each pupil was asked to draw something they felt reflected Wales and our rich culture. These drawings were then carefully placed together to produce the image of a daffodil in bloom. Well done to all that were involved, we are very proud of the outcome! Ardderchog!


Gŵyl y Daffodil

Today our pupils had an enjoyable morning planting daffodils in preparation for a  new festival that will be celebrated in Carmarthen in the spring of 2024 which is Gŵyl y Daffodil. 

Disgyblion yr ysgol yn plannu daffodils yn barod ar gyfer Gŵyl y Daffodil sy'n dod i Gaerfyrddin y flwyddyn nesaf.   Y gobaith yw cael Cennin Pedr yn weladwy i groesawu pobl ac i godi calonnau. Cafodd pawb amser gwych. 

Diolch yn fawr Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar am y bylbiau. A big thank you to Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar for all the daffodil bulbs.


Diwrnod Shwmae 2021

Dyma ddisgyblion Ysgol Uwchradd y Frenhines Elisabeth yn dathlu Diwrnod Shwmae/Su'mae gan ddewis eu hoff eiriau Cymraeg.
Here are pupils from QEHS celebrating Shwmae/Su'mae Day by selecting their favourite Welsh words.
Welsh trip

Extra Curricular

Other strengths of the department include the variety of extra-curricular opportunities offered, for example trips to the Urdd Camps at Glan-Llyn and Llangrannog, Cardiff and to the Welsh-language Festival at DisneyLand, Paris. Alongside this are the School Eisteddfod, ShwMae day activities, performances by Arad Goch Theatre Company and radio workshops. Our pupils respond positively to these opportunities and it is nice to see them enjoying practicing their Welsh / Foreign Languages outside the classroom walls.

We hope you get a taste of the Languages Area of Learning work on this website.


Head of Welsh

Mr S. Mason

Classroom Teacher and Head of Year 11

Mrs K. James

Classroom Teacher / Head of MFL

Mrs E. Ward

Classroom Teacher

Mr H. Davies

Classroom Teacher

Mrs J. James

Classroom Teacher

Mrs G. Hughes

Classroom Teacher

Ms J. Roberts

Classroom Teacher

Mr D. Mouzer

Classroom Teacher

Miss T. Ridings

Classroom Teacher

Miss A. Thomas

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