Key Stage 4 - Useful Information
Pupils study the WJEC specifications for Science, giving them access to double award GCSE qualifications covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics at the end of Year 11. The purpose of the course is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for Science in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed, throughout the course, by investigating the applications of all areas of Science. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens who are able to make informed opinions based on scientific information throughout their lives. The course will be of interest and value to learners wishing to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of all aspects of Science. The course is broad and up-to-date selection of concepts and ideas relevant to the central position of life science within our society. An experimental and investigative approach is used to develop knowledge and understanding of all three subject areas in Science.
Pupils who want to pursue science focussed careers and A levels in Science often choose the Triple Science route. Triple science has the advantage of a wider breadth of topics which is taught at the higher tier level and pupils obtain a GCSE grade in each of the three Science subjects.
These qualifications are available at two different tiers of entry:
At Higher Tier the grades available are A*-C
At Foundation Tier the grades available are C-G.
The specifications for these courses can be found at:
GCSE Double Award -
GCSE Triple Science Biology -
GCSE Triple Science Chemistry -
GCSE Triple Science Physics -
Revision resources can be found at:
WJEC revision guide (available at all three tiers)
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