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Eco Team Awards to end 2024!

The last Eco Team meeting of the year saw members who constantly show up each week to keep this year's Eco Schools targets met, get their own badge as an award and thank you for their brilliant efforts for Eco at QEHS. Miss John hopes they wear it with pride in 2025! She is very proud of their hard work and will miss their eco warrior spirit whilst she goes off on maternity. However, they are in the best of hands with Miss Price, who will continue leading the Eco Team from January.
A special mention to Paris who has been making bird boxes in Design and Technology with Mr Abel for our Gardd Hiraeth! Amazing work! 


Eco Schools celebrate turning 30!

Four keen Eco Team pupils in Year 7 joined several schools in the county on Tuesday at The National Botanic Gardens of Wales.
The celebration of 30 years of Eco-Schools focused on having a party “without it costing the Earth”. Games were played, along with several creative workshops, which gave pupils the chance to think environmentally friendly whilst completing activities and sharing ideas. These workshops included making bunting from reusable materials, flower pressing, pebble painting and making takeaway sunflower seed parcels.
The weather was perfect to explore in our lunch break, including the Biomes! A top day was had by Miss John and all the pupils! A big thank you to the National Eco-Committee for hosting such a great event!


Eco Team Progress Check

Yesterday, the Eco Team continued with preparation in our Gardd Hiraeth. This week’s focus was on completion and placement of the Bug Hotel, biodiversity surveys, which will be repeated at the end of the Summer term to assess our impact, along with a litter pick of the area. 

The pupils discussions whilst completing these tasks, turned to ask questions surrounding the litters existence. As this is now temporarily, an out of bounds space for all pupils and staff. The Eco Team soon realised that litter is finding itself here due to the schools microclimate along with misuse of bins. Essentially, the wind is blowing it in from our school yard space and outside community spaces, to end up here! Therefore, their next steps are to raise awareness of this to all staff and pupils.

In other news, this month we have taken part in the #NoMowMay movement in the Gardd Hiraeth, to give us the perfect starting point for our green space! Why is the important, I hear you ask? Well, every lawn is an ecosystem in itself! As below the ground there is a complex world of fungi and microbes living among the roots. Whilst above the soil, plants form mini jungles which shelter, feed, and support all kinds of animals from insects to birds and mammals. Our valuable green spaces can be teeming with life across the seasons, if we only give them a little room to grow. 

Keep up the great work Eco Team! 


Litter Pick!

Big smiles all around today for the Eco Team!
The Eco Team were very happy to see a big reduction in the litter collected today as part of their target to reduce our waste and improve our school grounds!
The first litter pick collected back in the Autumn term weighed a whopping 10.9kgs! Whereas today's pick, of the same area, weighed  near enough half of that, 5.5kgs! A huge positive reduction! 
Miss John and the Eco Team hope that with the new recycling rules,  and pupils doing their very best to change their habits, the amount collected will reduce again the next time they go out to monitor the area between the school building and PE.
A tremendous achievement all, and well done to all the pupils that are doing the right thing already to improve our school grounds, so that the Eco Team have less litter to pick! 
Keep up the good work everyone!  



Today, the pupils in our Eco Team presented a superb case to Mrs Bethan Evans-Phillips form Keep Wales Tidy and Eco-Schools. In their presentation, they covered the steps they had taken this year so far. Along with what they are learning in classes across the school to support their knowledge, and their next steps moving forward.
Miss John who leads the Eco Team is extremely proud of all the pupils involved for all of their hard work. Mrs Evans- Phillips said that there are very few Secondary Schools that get the 'green flag', so all involved have worked very hard!
A big accolade for our school! Well done to all who represented us!

Our ECO Code

Please see our school ECO Code.

January 2024

Eco Team work with Keep Wales Tidy

The Eco Team completed their first litter pick of shared school and community grounds around the Sports Facilities as part of a Keep Wales Tidy project. 


Fantastic efforts from all on the litter pick! We weighed it at the end and in total they collected 10.90kgs of rubbish! Well done to all of you!


This will be continued throughout this year with plans to tackle and reduce the litter over time.

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